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Earrings - Eagle's Gift
Earrings - Medicine Turtle
Earrings - Strong Earth Woman
Earrings - Seven Grandfather Teachings
Earrings - Raven
Earrings - Silver Threads
Earrings - Breath of Life
Earrings - Gifts from Creator
Earrings - Remember
Earrings - Hummingbird
Necklace - Legends - Sun
Necklace - Legends - Butterfly
Necklace - Legends - Orca
Necklace - Legends - Wolf
Necklace - Legends - Bear
Necklace - Legends - Hummingbird
Necklace - Legends - Raven
Necklace - Legends - Eagle
Necklace - Legends - Dolphin
Necklace - Beaver Spirit Totem - Apr 20-May 20