Salad Servers - Chrome - Eagle
12 left in stock
Product Code: 04603
Artist: Andrew Williams
Nation: Haida
The Eagle
A symbol of freedom and strength combined with grace. The Eagle down is used in ceremonies, honouring and respecting guests.
These beautiful and elegant pieces by Andrew WIlliams have been 100% designed in Canada and made from food safe chrome-plated zinc castings.
Follow these few simple steps to ensure that your chrome spoons last for many years. We recommend that you hand-wash your new flatware before your first use. Rinse foods from flatware, especially those with high salt content or acidity. Avoid soaking chrome flatware in water for a prolonged period of time or overnight. The servers are suitable for everyday use and are dishwasher safe.
Andrew Williams
Born in 1964 in Haida Gwaii, Andrew Williams is a carver of argillite, silver and gold as well as a graphic designer. He is part of the Raven clan in the Old Masset on Haida Gwaii. His work is a blend of traditional and contemporary art and shows his passion for his Haida ancestry and the "old stories".